Post COVID-19 Salon Procedures
Since re-opening the Salon on Monday 12th April 2021 I have been working hard once again to ensure that everything is in place to ensure that you will be treated in a safe environment.
The safety of our customers and staff is of paramount importance and we will only operate if we can obtain sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for our staff and our clients that meets appropriate quality standards.
As I am sure you will understand there are a few changes in the way we operate to ensure our joint safety, and it is important that everyone follows our new operating procedures
- Prior to having an appointment, you will be required to complete and return a post COVID consultation form to us.
- The salon door will be kept locked so we can control the number of people on the premises, upon arriving at the salon for your appointment please ring the doorbell and we will answer the door when it is safe to do so.
- All customers will be asked to wash or sanitise their hands upon arrival to prevent accidental transfer of the COVID-19 virus.
- Every client will be temperature checked, and should any individual have a raised temperature we regret that we will be unable to offer any treatments to that person.
- All customers will be required to wear a face mask (which we will provide) whilst in the salon.
- You may be asked to remove your shoes upon arrival.
- Please be aware that if you are suffering from any of the following symptoms, you should not enter the salon and cannot be treated.
Persistent cough
Shortness of breath
Runny nose
Sore throat
Loss of sense of taste or smell.
- To reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 please attend the salon on your own, should this not be possible, due for example to disability please contact myself in advance so that I can ensure appropriate reasonable adjustments are made.
- Until I consider it safe to do so we will not be providing any magazines or refreshments, you may bring bottled water if required, but no other drinks or food.
- We are unable to accommodate the storage of personal items at the present, so please only bring a handbag and no other bags.
- Your contact details will be required and must be up to-date so that we can comply with Track and Trace.
- Please keep to an absolute minimum the number of accessories that you wear for your appointment e.g. scarves, necklaces, rings, watches, bracelets to help avoid cross infection.
- Please leave a gap of two weeks after any Covid vaccination before booking an appointment. This is to ensure that any skin sensitivity produced by the jab subsides before your appointment.
The safety of our clients and staff is of utmost importance to us. We have always maintained vigorously high standards of hygiene in the salon and these high standards are now being surpassed. We recognise that our new operating procedures may be inconvenient, but we believe are necessary to prevent cross infection and to keep the salon free of COVID-19.
To ensure your safety I will also check my temperature on a regular basis. We will ensure safe distancing is practiced between all clients.
All furnishings that are not required have been removed. Treatment areas and equipment are disinfected between client visits, and door handles etc. are regularly cleaned. All hand towels have been replaced with disposable paper items. We have increased the use of disposable treatment equipment and where this is not possible items are sterilised.
Staff will be wearing disposable face shields, and face masks when treating clients, and in some instances, aprons and gloves. Our PPE supplies are of high quality and where appropriate we are using clinical grade equipment.
As we will be undertaking rigorous cleaning between each client we will need to reduce the number of clients that we can see on any day, please help us to run a smooth appointment system by arriving for your appointment on time and not arriving too early, or late.
I hope that you will understand that as a result of the extra costs for PPE per client, and the reduced number of clients that we can safely treat each day, (due to time spent cleaning) it is necessary for us to add a PPE contribution charge of £1.50 to each appointment. I have adopted this principle reluctantly, however, it is necessary to ensure everyone’s safety.
We are happy to be back treating our clients again and should you have any questions for us or you would like any advice, please leave a message on the phone and I will deal with it as soon as possible. We are operating an appointment only system at the moment and regret that we can only see you by appointment.
Telephone 02392 381663.
You can now also contact us via the contact page of our new website at
Please also search for Enid Maunder Beauty Salon on Facebook and ‘liking’ us to keep updated on our services. We are also on Instagram as @enidmaunderbeauty.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients for their loyalty to the salon, and for their patience in waiting for our safe re-opening. Our clients’ custom and friendship mean a lot to us and is especially important to us during these difficult and uncertain times.